Some 2 months has passed since my last blog. All the best intentions to keep up have failed since returning from Australia in November. So here goes a little catch up.
Our work settled back into its routine quickly as we continue in the roles allocated to us. December had the added interest of Carolling as the band had the opportunity to play at several different places. Once again we had the opportunity to play carols to the Australian Embassy as we went to the Ambassadors Christmas party at her residence. Another engagement was to play at the steps of the Lutheran cathedral to the people attending the Messiah concert. And so Christmas came and went so quickly.
Christmas day started quietly at home as we were spent the morning just the 2 of us. The evening meal was shared in the home of the Territorial Commander where main course was a Netherlands Christmas specialty - rabbit. For sweets - a plum pudding brought from home with custard. The Christmas holidays here did not start until January 1 and the break lasts for 11 days. Orthodx Christmas celbrated on Jan 7. So it was a long celebration period.
We stayed put in Moscow for the break this year and took the opportunity for some walks and gallery visits and just a quiet catch up time.
December also had Ron on the road for a 5 day visit to Georgia. Here he spent some days witht he project o & Corps Offciers intraiing and proejct review. He enjoys the travel and sharing opportunities and was a good opportunity for him to see what is happening out on the field.
Following the New Year break I headed off to Romania for a week - again supporting and reviewing project work . Most of my days were spent indoors or travelling so not too much sight seeing and few photos. My one sight seeing tour ocurred at midnight after the plane landed when we took the long way home - just to have a look around Bucharest. Not a lot to see at that hour through the foggy car windows.
Visa paperwork has kept us busy - the process of renewing the various stages & medical tests to be allowed to stay and work in Moscow. Monday sees us in the final step of the renewal that has us leaving the country to apply for a visa to allow us to come back and work for the next year. So it is off to Moldova for a few days and then on to Ukraine where we will do reviews and support visits for the Officers there. It will be good to spend Australia day with Aussies in Moldova.
The coming year will see us consolidate the work of last year and build on the oportunites to develop some good systems and resources for the Territory. Ron has completed his study and now has his Masters in Community development and is keen to share his new learnings. The Territory will welcome new Territorial Commanders in March and so can anticipate some changes and expectations - so we wait and see what that means in our roles.
So if you have stuck with us in following our blog - I will try and get back to the monthly routine and with a promise of some photos to follow - I will sign off . Thasnk you to all our supporters - for your love and prayers and the various ways you connect with us. It helps to bring us all closer together.