Friday, September 12, 2008

We've arrived

It is now one week exactly since we landed in the City of Moscow. Having departed Melbourne on the wed evening (the 3rd Sept 2008) we enjoyed a one day stop over in Dubai. This allowed us to rest and recover from the final farewells, to get on to the same time zone and arrive reasonably refreshed. We were met at the airport and taken to our apartment. We will live in this small one bedroom apartment until our more permanent residence is made available in about three months time.

We were introduced to the public transport system when on Saturday we returned to the airport to collect a bag I had left on the plane.

Our first Sunday we went by train to the Army. The Moscow Corps which is also the site for DHQ, Training College and the main social program. A busy place.

Our first week at THQ began with coffee and cake and the official exchange of eppaulettes, but then it has been straight into discovering what our new roles are about. Project work is an essential source of funding for this Territory and so our role in supporting the sources of funding and ensuring the process of implementation and accountability will keep us busy.

So week one comes to an end. We know with a confidence and peace that we are where God wants us to be and look forward with great anticipation what is in store in coming days.


Linda said...

Have added you to my favourites and look forward to reading about your experiences. God Bless Linda

Captain Collo said...
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Captain Collo said...

It is great to know wherever you go in the Army world you will be welcomed by coffee and cake:)